13 Ways to Romance Your Partner in a Digital Age

Dating apps and social media have changed the way love looks, but romance is still alive. Think of technology as giving you more opportunities to let your partner know how much you appreciate them.

Today, you can enjoy the convenience of digital communications and rediscover the beauty of more traditional courtship methods.

Consider these ideas for connecting with your partner online and off.

Sharing Romantic Gestures Online

Put technology to work to deepen your relationship. Wi-fi makes it fast and easy to stay in touch even when your busy schedules keep you apart.

Use technology for these techniques:

1. Send a card. Email cards are free, so you don’t need to wait for birthdays and holidays. Plus, you can customize digital cards with your own images and text so the message will be more meaningful.

2. Listen to music. Put together a playlist of songs you both love and download it to your phones. You can imagine dancing together whenever you hear those tunes.

3. Play games. Studies show that video games can make you happier, healthier, and sharpen your cognitive skills. Enjoy the benefits together with a few rounds of Super Mario or HQ Trivia.

4. Research activities. Browse for ideas about your next vacation, workout programs, or home improvement projects. Focusing on your future will draw you closer together.

5. Agree on boundaries. Keep in mind that happy couples actually post about their relationship less often than average. Ask your partner for approval before you post photos and personal information, and avoid oversharing. Negotiate a schedule that keeps you both updated without feeling overwhelmed.  

Sharing Romantic Gestures Offline

Of course, you want to be in the same room for certain conversations. Just like you’d probably propose marriage only when you’re face to face, some interactions benefit from a more personal touch.

Consider these ideas:

1. Write a letter. Handwritten messages make a deeper impression than emails. Pick up a pen and put your feelings down on paper. Hand deliver it to your partner or put it someplace where they’re sure to find it.

2. Buy flowers. Call your local florist to arrange a bouquet for your partner. Choose their favorite flowers or ask for recommendations based on their personality or the season.

3. Dress up. Do you live in sweatpants when you’re not at the office? Surprise your partner by putting on a jacket or dress.

4. Plan a date. Go a step beyond just hanging out. Make dinner reservations at a cozy restaurant or pick up theater tickets for the next evening you both have free. Remember to book a babysitter too if you have children.

5. Cook dinner. For an evening at home, volunteer to do the cooking or share the work. Try a new recipe or prepare something that brings back happy memories of past vacations or memorable dates.

6. Read poetry together. If writing your own poetry sounds a little too intimidating, start out by reading selections from other great writers. Ask your friends or a librarian for suggestions. You may be inspired to  create your own sonnets soon.

7. Take a walk. Motivate each other to get more exercise. Go for a walk each evening after dinner or sign up for couples or family membership at a nearby gym.

8. Help with the housework. Pitching in with household responsibilities is a practical way to express your affection and appreciation. Volunteer for the chores you excel at or take turns cleaning the bathroom.

You can romance your partner even if you’re more likely to exchange texts and tweets rather than love letters and lockets. Caring gestures are a fun and effective way to strengthen your relationship.

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Chris Cambas

